We are so excited to announce our first CSA for spring 2024!
How It Works:
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Buying a CSA share is like purchasing a food subscription to a farm. As a share member you become part of our farm community. You pay at the beginning of the season and every week during the season you receive a selection of seasonal, delicious, fresh, local, and organic produce.
CSA Season: Spring 2024 – 4 weeks, March - April, $85 at the beginning of the 4 weeks.
CSA Pickup: Owenwood Farm and Neighbor Space (1451 John West Rd), Friday morning, 9am through 12pm.
Crops that will be available: Various lettuces, swiss chard, green onions, herbs, kale, radishes, bok choy, collard greens, spinach, turnips, and more.
*You can also add on goods from Market Provisions, things like: flour, coffee beans, eggs, meat, cookies, etc. These add-ons will be billed separately.*
If you are interested, please email: lauren@grownorthtexas.org to be placed on the waitlist.
This organization is an equal opportunity provider.
View entire USDA Non-Discrimination Statement here.
GROW North Texas is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 7103, Dallas, TX 75209-0103
Copyright GROW North Texas 2025