Millions of Texans have and use both SNAP and WIC benefits, and GROW North Texas works with local farms and farmers markets to allow people to use their benefits to support local while also getting nutritious food.
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), formerly called "food stamps" is a nationwide program that helps people buy the food they need for healthy lives. It is the largest program working to fight hunger in America. GROW North Texas works with TCLF (Texas Center for Local Food) to support and promote farmers and farmers markets that want to expand accessibility to people on SNAP benefits. There's now more than a dozen farmers markets that accept SNAP benefits in the DFW area.
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) is a federal program run by the states that provides supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age 5 who are found to be at nutritional risk. The Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) provides additional money to those with WIC benefits to use specifically at local farm stands and farmers markets.
Here's a list of locations, dates, and times of farm stands and farmers markets where you can use SNAP.
Fresh Stop Farm Stand Owenwood Farm 1451 John West Rd. Dallas, TX 75228 Fridays (9a - 12p) |
Fort Worth Cowtown Farmers Market 8901 Clifford St. White Settlement, TX 76108 Saturdays (8a - 12p) |
Opal's Farm Farm Stand 2500 LaSalle St. Fort Worth, TX 76111 Saturdays (8a - 12p) |
Dallas Farmers Market
920 S Harwood St.
Dallas, TX 75201
Sat. (9a - 5p) Sun. (10a - 5p)
Coppell Farmers Market 768 W. Main St. Coppell, TX 75019 2nd & 4th Sat. (8a - 12p) |
Good Local Markets Lakewood Tower 6301 Gaston Ave. Dallas, TX 75214 Sundays (9a - 2p) Feb. 16 - Dec. 7 |
Good Local Markets White Rock UMC 1450 Old Gate Ln. Dallas, TX 75218 Saturdays (8a - 12p) March 1 - Dec. 20
Denton Community Market 317 W. Mulberry St. Denton, TX 76201 Saturdays (9a - 1p)
March 1 - Dec. 20
Cedar Hill Farmers Market 300 Houston St Cedar Hill, TX 75104 2nd & 4th Sat. (9a - 1p) Closed for the Season |
Azle Farmers Market 225 Church St. Azle, TX 76020 1st & 3rd Sat. (8a - 12p) Closed for the Season |
Saginaw Farmers Market 752 S. Knowles Dr. Saginaw, TX 76179 2nd & 4th Sat. (8a - 12p) Closed for the Season |
Downtown Sanger Farmers Market Downtown Sanger Square 1st & 3rd Weekends Sat. (9a - 1p) Sun. (12a - 2p) Closed for the Season |
When you arrive at the market, find the info booth or tent. This usually has a banner with the name of the farmers market. Tell the person working that you'd like to use your SNAP card and tell them how much money you want to take off of your card and exchange for tokens or market money to use at the farmers market. They will give your wooden tokens or market money that you can use with various farmers to purchase SNAP eligible items. If you want to put the money back on your card, return to the market booth and repeat the market money exchange. You can also hold on to the market money to use the next time you're at the farmers market.
Fruits and Vegetables | Breads and cereals | Meats, fish, and poultry | Dairy products | Maple and honey products | Seeds and plants that produce foods | Baked goods: wrapped, labeled and intended for home consumption | Jams, sauces and soups
Remember: Ready-to-eat foods are not SNAP eligible. If the product is not packaged and sealed to take home, it is not eligible.
For people who are already receiving WIC benefits, you can get an additional $30 per person to use at farmers markets.
Fresh Stop Farm StandOwenwood Farm 1451 John West Rd. Dallas TX, 75228 Fridays (9a - 12p) April 1 - Oct. 31 |
Good Local Markets
White Rock UMC 1450 Old Gate Ln. Dallas TX, 75218 Saturdays (8a - 1p) April 1 - Oct. 31
Good Local MarketsLakewood Village 6301 Gaston Ave. Dallas TX, 75214 Sundays (9a - 2p) April 1 - Oct. 31
DentonCommunity Market
317 W. Mulberry St. Denton TX, 76201 Saturdays (9a - 1p) April 1 - Oct. 31 |
How to Get and Use FMNP Vouchers:
What Can You Buy With FMNP Vouchers?
Remember: FMNP vouchers cannot buy: milk, eggs, meat, honey, nuts, plants, and dried goods.
Millones de Tejanos tienen y utilizan los beneficios SNAP y WIC. GROW North Texas trabaja con granjas y mercados agrícolas locales para facilitar que las personas utilicen sus beneficios para apoyar a los vendedores locales y al mismo tiempo obtener alimentos nutritivos.
SNAP (Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria), antes llamado "cupones para alimentos", es un programa nacional que ayuda a las personas a comprar los alimentos que necesitan para llevar una vida sana. Es el programa más grande que trabaja para combatir el hambre en Estados Unidos. GROW North Texas trabaja con TCLF (Texas Center for Local Food) para apoyar y promover a los agricultores y los mercados agrícolas que desean ampliar la accesibilidad a las personas que reciben los beneficios de SNAP. Actualmente, hay más de una docena de mercados de agricultores que aceptan los beneficios de SNAP en el área de DFW.
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) es un programa federal dirigido por los estados que ofrece alimentos suplementarios, referencias para atención médica y educación nutricional para mujeres embarazadas, lactantes y posparto que no amamantan de bajos ingresos, y para bebés y niños de hasta 5 años que se encuentren en riesgo nutricional. El Programa de Nutrición de Mercados Agrícolas (FMNP) proporciona dinero adicional a quienes reciben beneficios de WIC para utilizar específicamente en puestos agrícolas y mercados agrícolas locales.
Aquí hay una lista de ubicaciones, fechas y horarios de puestos de granjas y mercados de agricultores donde puedes usar SNAP.
Fresh Stop Farm Stand Granja Owenwood 1451 John West Rd. Dallas, TX 75228 Viernes (9a - 12p) |
Fort Worth Cowtown Farmers Market 8901 Clifford St. White Settlement, TX 76108 Sábados (8a - 12p) |
Opal's Farm Farm Stand 2500 LaSalle St. Fort Worth, TX 76111 Sábados (8a - 12p) |
Dallas Farmers Market
920 S Harwood St.
Dallas, TX 75201
Sáb. (9a - 5p) Dom. (10a - 5p)
Coppell Farmers Market 768 W. Main St. Coppell, TX 75019 2do y 4to Sáb. (8a - 12p) |
Good Local Markets Lakewood Tower 6301 Gaston Ave. Dallas, TX 75214 Domingos (9a - 2p) Feb. 16 - Dic. 7 |
Good Local Markets White Rock UMC 1450 Old Gate Ln. Dallas, TX 75218 Sábados (8a - 12p) Mar. 1 - Dic. 20 |
Denton Community Market 317 W. Mulberry St. Denton, TX 76201 Sábados (9a - 1p)
Mar. 1 - Dic. 20
Cedar Hill Farmers Market 300 Houston St Cedar Hill, TX 75104 2do y 4to Sáb. (9a - 1p) Cerrado por Temporada |
Azle Farmers Market 225 Church St. Azle, TX 76020 1er y 3er Sáb. (8a - 12p) Cerrado por Temporada |
Saginaw Farmers Market 752 S. Knowles Dr. Saginaw, TX 76179 2do y 4to Sáb. (8a - 12p) Cerrado por Temporada |
Downtown Sanger Farmers Market Downtown Sanger Square 1er & 3er fines de semana Sáb. (9a - 1p) Dom. (12a - 2p) Cerrado por Temporada |
Cuando llegue al mercado, busca el puesto o carpa de información. Normalmente, hay un letrero con el nombre del mercado. Dile a la persona que trabaja que le gustaría usar su tarjeta SNAP y dile cuánto dinero quiere descontar de su tarjeta y cambiar por fichas o dinero del mercado para usar en sus compras. Le darán fichas de madera o dinero del mercado que puede usar con varios agricultores para comprar artículos que califiquen para SNAP. Si quiere volver a poner el dinero en su tarjeta, regresa al puesto del mercado y repite el intercambio. También puede quedarse con las monedas para la próxima vez que estés en el mercado de agricultores.
Frutas y verduras | Panes y cereales | Carnes, pescados y aves | Productos lácteos | Productos derivados del arce y la miel | Semillas y plantas que producen alimentos | Productos horneados: envueltos, etiquetados y destinados al consumo en el hogar | Mermeladas, salsas y sopas
Recuerde: los alimentos listos para consumir no son elegibles para SNAP. Si el producto no está envasado y sellado para llevar a casa, no es elegible.
Las personas que ya reciben beneficios de WIC pueden obtener $30 adicionales por persona para usar en los mercados de agricultores.
Aquí hay una lista de ubicaciones, fechas y horarios de puestos de granjas y mercados de agricultores donde puede usar los vales FMNP.
Fresh Stop Farm StandGranja Owenwood 1451 John West Rd. Dallas TX, 75228 Viernes (9a - 12p) Abril 1 - Oct. 31 |
Good Local Markets
Iglesia White Rock UMC 1450 Old Gate Ln. Dallas TX, 75218 Sábados (8a - 1p)
Abril 1 - Oct. 31
Good Local MarketsLakewood Tower 6301 Gaston Ave. Dallas, TX 75214 Domingos (9a - 2p)
Abril 1 - Oct. 31
DentonCommunity Market
317 W. Mulberry St. Denton TX, 76201 Sábados (9a - 1p) Abril 1 - Oct. 31 |
Cómo obtener y utilizar los coupones FMNP:
¿Qué puede comprar con los cupones FMNP?
This organization is an equal opportunity provider.
View entire USDA Non-Discrimination Statement here.
GROW North Texas is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 7103, Dallas, TX 75209-0103
Copyright GROW North Texas 2025